Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hypnosis Yields Proven Results

Much has been written about hypnosis, and many movies and TV series have featured characters being hypnotized to do strange things or disclose secret information. That might make for exciting entertainment, but it does not reflect the true value of hypnosis.

These characterizations are often stereotypical so I would like to shed some light on what it is actually like to practice hypnosis from my own experience. Many people have misconceptions about the methods or techniques used to induce a subject into a trance state. The skills required to be a professional practitioner of hypnosis take patience and training to learn. I have been practicing hypnosis professionally for over 40 years, but I continue to learn and expand the scope of my research in this field to this day.

My method of hypnosis utilizes visualization so that subjects are able to reach the somnambulistic state directly. In this level of the subconscious, the subject is removed from their conscious thoughts and is able to move freely through time and space at their own pace. It is necessary to note that I am only a facilitator and guide in this process and whatever the subject experiences is happening directly to them and not because of me.

Hypnosis that takes the subject deep into the somnambulistic state can produce many useful results. By uncovering details about a subject's past lives, a puzzle can be pieced together to establish common threads of their previous existences, which point to larger lessons their soul is learning on its journey of evolution through the ages.

Irrational fears and obsessions of a subject may also be explained through hypnosis. One of the first past life regressions I witnessed revealed that the subject was an accomplice to her gangster boyfriend in Roaring '20s Chicago. Her boyfriend asked her to wrap a gun in a towel with bricks to weigh it down and throw the makeshift package from a boat into a lake to hide it from the police. Later, upon awakening from the session, the subject revealed she had a recurring dream for years in her present life about going out on a boat and throwing something overboard.

Many different methods and procedures of hypnosis can be used until the subject finds the one they are most comfortable with. One of my methods utilizes visualizing an elevator. When the subject feels they have arrived at the correct floor, and the elevator door opens, they have a desire to get off and explore whatever they see. When the session ends, the elevator rises up through the somnambulistic state until the subject is once again engaged with their conscious mind.

This is but one example of many methods of hypnosis that have been proven to work and my hope is that this valuable tool will be used by more and more trained practitioners in the years to come.

Panic Attack Symptoms

Recognizing panic attack symptoms is key to treating this disorder. They can come seemingly out of nowhere and for no apparent reason. You can find lists of symptoms all over the Internet but here are a few of the most common ones-

• Shaking/Trembling

• Upset Stomach

• Breathing Difficulty - (Feel Smothered)

• Nausea, Dizziness, Feeling Lightheaded

• Chills/Hot Flashes

• Chest Pains

• Heart Palpitations

• Numbness or Tingling in Hands

• Dream-like Sensations

• Distortions of Perception

• Overwhelming Fear or Terror

• Feeling of Powerlessness

• Fear of Dying

There are a lot more than just these. However this gives you some idea of the power of these attacks and the many faces they can wear.

Facts About Panic Attack Symptoms

One fact is that knowing how long these attacks will last in hard to predict. They can last a short time or seem like an eternity. A typical attack goes for about ten minutes. During this time sufferers experience intense distress and many times believe they are having a heart attack.

If panic attacks happen to you often then it is said you have a 'panic disorder'. Anxiety about issues in your life suggests strong emotions in those specific areas.

Health Condition Contributors

You can also have a health condition that brings on your attacks. Anemia, certain medications, and thyroid disorders can bring on very intense anxiety.

People who take Ritalin, insulin, quinine, or go through corticosteroid withdrawals may also experience similar symptoms. If this describes you then medical treatment should be sought out immediately.

More researchers are looking into diet as a possible connection to panic attacks. They believe that many food additives such as 'aspartame' or food dyes may contribute to bringing on these horrifying attacks. They believe that removing these from your diet might help to stop panic attacks.

Treating This Type of Disorder

Refraining from alcohol or caffeine is recommended when trying to treat your panic attacks. Regular exercise is another way to help prevent or at least manage your attacks better. Some doctors recommend yoga, deep breathing, walking, massage therapy, aerobics, and doing them daily to combat this disorder.

Another popular and natural form of treatment is to use a hypnosis MP3 download. Each hypnosis track is specifically designed to combat a particular issue with panic attacks being one of the most commons things that people want to overcome. The ability to program the mind has proved to be a true help in many various aspects of life.

Hypnosis Yields Proven Results

Much has been written about hypnosis, and many movies and TV series have featured characters being hypnotized to do strange things or disclose secret information. That might make for exciting entertainment, but it does not reflect the true value of hypnosis.

These characterizations are often stereotypical so I would like to shed some light on what it is actually like to practice hypnosis from my own experience. Many people have misconceptions about the methods or techniques used to induce a subject into a trance state. The skills required to be a professional practitioner of hypnosis take patience and training to learn. I have been practicing hypnosis professionally for over 40 years, but I continue to learn and expand the scope of my research in this field to this day.

My method of hypnosis utilizes visualization so that subjects are able to reach the somnambulistic state directly. In this level of the subconscious, the subject is removed from their conscious thoughts and is able to move freely through time and space at their own pace. It is necessary to note that I am only a facilitator and guide in this process and whatever the subject experiences is happening directly to them and not because of me.

Hypnosis that takes the subject deep into the somnambulistic state can produce many useful results. By uncovering details about a subject's past lives, a puzzle can be pieced together to establish common threads of their previous existences, which point to larger lessons their soul is learning on its journey of evolution through the ages.

Irrational fears and obsessions of a subject may also be explained through hypnosis. One of the first past life regressions I witnessed revealed that the subject was an accomplice to her gangster boyfriend in Roaring '20s Chicago. Her boyfriend asked her to wrap a gun in a towel with bricks to weigh it down and throw the makeshift package from a boat into a lake to hide it from the police. Later, upon awakening from the session, the subject revealed she had a recurring dream for years in her present life about going out on a boat and throwing something overboard.

Many different methods and procedures of hypnosis can be used until the subject finds the one they are most comfortable with. One of my methods utilizes visualizing an elevator. When the subject feels they have arrived at the correct floor, and the elevator door opens, they have a desire to get off and explore whatever they see. When the session ends, the elevator rises up through the somnambulistic state until the subject is once again engaged with their conscious mind.

This is but one example of many methods of hypnosis that have been proven to work and my hope is that this valuable tool will be used by more and more trained practitioners in the years to come.

Top Tips for Buying and Selling a Home


Looking for a home

-Use Internet for overview of properties, communities, and schools.

-Visit potential neighborhoods at different times of day.

-Research price trends in communities and neighborhoods.

-Consider resale prospects on home before you purchase.

Get your new home inspected before you buy.

-Hire a home inspection professional who is certified or licensed.

-Attend inspection, ask questions and take notes.

-Use inspection tour to verify home fits your needs.

-Submit inspection problems to seller for remedy.

Research home financing options before making a decision.

-Fixed rate. The interest rate you pay is fixed over the term of the loan.

-Adjustable rate. Interest rate changes at end of adjustment period.

-Seller financing. Mortgage contract between property seller and you.

-Avoid paying Private Mortgage Insurance. An insurance fee charged monthly to higher-risk borrowers less than twenty percent down payment.

Retain a real estate attorney and buyers real estate agent. -An attorney should review contracts before you sign them. -Your attorney is your legal advocate from contract to closing/escrow. -Locate a real estate agent who has a fiduciary responsibility to you. -Fiduciary. Part of the common law of agency, indicates a relationship based on trust.

Understand common contract terms.

-Contingencies. A provision in a contract requiring certain acts to be completed before the contract is binding.

-Approvals. Contract period where the sellers, their attorney, you or your attorney can approve or void the contract.

-Earnest money deposits. Money given to the seller at the time of contract is made as a sign of the buyer's good faith.

-Tax Pro-rations. Credit issued at closing from the seller to the buyer for unpaid property taxes.


Gather opinions of value from professionals on your home.

-Invite three real estate agents to submit a price range based on recorded recent sales.

-Consider hiring an independent real estate appraiser.

-Use similar properties based on age, condition and size.

-Properties sold in the last six months offer the best indicators of value.

Stage your home before buyers come through.

-Streamline clutter and place the focus on your home.

-Neutralize colors so buyers can visualize their belongings in your home.

-Visit new-construction model homes to gather ideas from the pros.

-Invite family, friends or real estate agents over for feedback.

Internet marketing provides wide exposure for your home.

-Have a virtual or digital tour of your home in multiple websites..

-Post interior and exterior photos of your home on the Internet.

-Hire a professional to write a description of your home.

-Utilize maps to showcase your location for out-of-town buyers.

Understand the elements of a contract to purchase.

-Require all offers to be in writing.

-A good contract has favorable terms in addition to price.

-Limit fixtures excluded from sale of home to a maximum of three.

-Keep negations non-emotional and amicable.

Recognize the variables that real estate agents can't overcome.

-Buyers bypass over-priced homes.

-Homebuyers discount homes in poor condition.

-Homes with poor locations have longer market times.

-Buyers are more relaxed and curious during showings when sellers are gone

Top Tips for Buying and Selling a Home


Looking for a home

-Use Internet for overview of properties, communities, and schools.

-Visit potential neighborhoods at different times of day.

-Research price trends in communities and neighborhoods.

-Consider resale prospects on home before you purchase.

Get your new home inspected before you buy.

-Hire a home inspection professional who is certified or licensed.

-Attend inspection, ask questions and take notes.

-Use inspection tour to verify home fits your needs.

-Submit inspection problems to seller for remedy.

Research home financing options before making a decision.

-Fixed rate. The interest rate you pay is fixed over the term of the loan.

-Adjustable rate. Interest rate changes at end of adjustment period.

-Seller financing. Mortgage contract between property seller and you.

-Avoid paying Private Mortgage Insurance. An insurance fee charged monthly to higher-risk borrowers less than twenty percent down payment.

Retain a real estate attorney and buyers real estate agent. -An attorney should review contracts before you sign them. -Your attorney is your legal advocate from contract to closing/escrow. -Locate a real estate agent who has a fiduciary responsibility to you. -Fiduciary. Part of the common law of agency, indicates a relationship based on trust.

Understand common contract terms.

-Contingencies. A provision in a contract requiring certain acts to be completed before the contract is binding.

-Approvals. Contract period where the sellers, their attorney, you or your attorney can approve or void the contract.

-Earnest money deposits. Money given to the seller at the time of contract is made as a sign of the buyer's good faith.

-Tax Pro-rations. Credit issued at closing from the seller to the buyer for unpaid property taxes.


Gather opinions of value from professionals on your home.

-Invite three real estate agents to submit a price range based on recorded recent sales.

-Consider hiring an independent real estate appraiser.

-Use similar properties based on age, condition and size.

-Properties sold in the last six months offer the best indicators of value.

Stage your home before buyers come through.

-Streamline clutter and place the focus on your home.

-Neutralize colors so buyers can visualize their belongings in your home.

-Visit new-construction model homes to gather ideas from the pros.

-Invite family, friends or real estate agents over for feedback.

Internet marketing provides wide exposure for your home.

-Have a virtual or digital tour of your home in multiple websites..

-Post interior and exterior photos of your home on the Internet.

-Hire a professional to write a description of your home.

-Utilize maps to showcase your location for out-of-town buyers.

Understand the elements of a contract to purchase.

-Require all offers to be in writing.

-A good contract has favorable terms in addition to price.

-Limit fixtures excluded from sale of home to a maximum of three.

-Keep negations non-emotional and amicable.

Recognize the variables that real estate agents can't overcome.

-Buyers bypass over-priced homes.

-Homebuyers discount homes in poor condition.

-Homes with poor locations have longer market times.

-Buyers are more relaxed and curious during showings when sellers are gone

Top Tips for Buying and Selling a Home


Looking for a home

-Use Internet for overview of properties, communities, and schools.

-Visit potential neighborhoods at different times of day.

-Research price trends in communities and neighborhoods.

-Consider resale prospects on home before you purchase.

Get your new home inspected before you buy.

-Hire a home inspection professional who is certified or licensed.

-Attend inspection, ask questions and take notes.

-Use inspection tour to verify home fits your needs.

-Submit inspection problems to seller for remedy.

Research home financing options before making a decision.

-Fixed rate. The interest rate you pay is fixed over the term of the loan.

-Adjustable rate. Interest rate changes at end of adjustment period.

-Seller financing. Mortgage contract between property seller and you.

-Avoid paying Private Mortgage Insurance. An insurance fee charged monthly to higher-risk borrowers less than twenty percent down payment.

Retain a real estate attorney and buyers real estate agent. -An attorney should review contracts before you sign them. -Your attorney is your legal advocate from contract to closing/escrow. -Locate a real estate agent who has a fiduciary responsibility to you. -Fiduciary. Part of the common law of agency, indicates a relationship based on trust.

Understand common contract terms.

-Contingencies. A provision in a contract requiring certain acts to be completed before the contract is binding.

-Approvals. Contract period where the sellers, their attorney, you or your attorney can approve or void the contract.

-Earnest money deposits. Money given to the seller at the time of contract is made as a sign of the buyer's good faith.

-Tax Pro-rations. Credit issued at closing from the seller to the buyer for unpaid property taxes.


Gather opinions of value from professionals on your home.

-Invite three real estate agents to submit a price range based on recorded recent sales.

-Consider hiring an independent real estate appraiser.

-Use similar properties based on age, condition and size.

-Properties sold in the last six months offer the best indicators of value.

Stage your home before buyers come through.

-Streamline clutter and place the focus on your home.

-Neutralize colors so buyers can visualize their belongings in your home.

-Visit new-construction model homes to gather ideas from the pros.

-Invite family, friends or real estate agents over for feedback.

Internet marketing provides wide exposure for your home.

-Have a virtual or digital tour of your home in multiple websites..

-Post interior and exterior photos of your home on the Internet.

-Hire a professional to write a description of your home.

-Utilize maps to showcase your location for out-of-town buyers.

Understand the elements of a contract to purchase.

-Require all offers to be in writing.

-A good contract has favorable terms in addition to price.

-Limit fixtures excluded from sale of home to a maximum of three.

-Keep negations non-emotional and amicable.

Recognize the variables that real estate agents can't overcome.

-Buyers bypass over-priced homes.

-Homebuyers discount homes in poor condition.

-Homes with poor locations have longer market times.

-Buyers are more relaxed and curious during showings when sellers are gone

Top Tips for Buying and Selling a Home


Looking for a home

-Use Internet for overview of properties, communities, and schools.

-Visit potential neighborhoods at different times of day.

-Research price trends in communities and neighborhoods.

-Consider resale prospects on home before you purchase.

Get your new home inspected before you buy.

-Hire a home inspection professional who is certified or licensed.

-Attend inspection, ask questions and take notes.

-Use inspection tour to verify home fits your needs.

-Submit inspection problems to seller for remedy.

Research home financing options before making a decision.

-Fixed rate. The interest rate you pay is fixed over the term of the loan.

-Adjustable rate. Interest rate changes at end of adjustment period.

-Seller financing. Mortgage contract between property seller and you.

-Avoid paying Private Mortgage Insurance. An insurance fee charged monthly to higher-risk borrowers less than twenty percent down payment.

Retain a real estate attorney and buyers real estate agent. -An attorney should review contracts before you sign them. -Your attorney is your legal advocate from contract to closing/escrow. -Locate a real estate agent who has a fiduciary responsibility to you. -Fiduciary. Part of the common law of agency, indicates a relationship based on trust.

Understand common contract terms.

-Contingencies. A provision in a contract requiring certain acts to be completed before the contract is binding.

-Approvals. Contract period where the sellers, their attorney, you or your attorney can approve or void the contract.

-Earnest money deposits. Money given to the seller at the time of contract is made as a sign of the buyer's good faith.

-Tax Pro-rations. Credit issued at closing from the seller to the buyer for unpaid property taxes.


Gather opinions of value from professionals on your home.

-Invite three real estate agents to submit a price range based on recorded recent sales.

-Consider hiring an independent real estate appraiser.

-Use similar properties based on age, condition and size.

-Properties sold in the last six months offer the best indicators of value.

Stage your home before buyers come through.

-Streamline clutter and place the focus on your home.

-Neutralize colors so buyers can visualize their belongings in your home.

-Visit new-construction model homes to gather ideas from the pros.

-Invite family, friends or real estate agents over for feedback.

Internet marketing provides wide exposure for your home.

-Have a virtual or digital tour of your home in multiple websites..

-Post interior and exterior photos of your home on the Internet.

-Hire a professional to write a description of your home.

-Utilize maps to showcase your location for out-of-town buyers.

Understand the elements of a contract to purchase.

-Require all offers to be in writing.

-A good contract has favorable terms in addition to price.

-Limit fixtures excluded from sale of home to a maximum of three.

-Keep negations non-emotional and amicable.

Recognize the variables that real estate agents can't overcome.

-Buyers bypass over-priced homes.

-Homebuyers discount homes in poor condition.

-Homes with poor locations have longer market times.

-Buyers are more relaxed and curious during showings when sellers are gone

Top Tips for Buying and Selling a Home


Looking for a home

-Use Internet for overview of properties, communities, and schools.

-Visit potential neighborhoods at different times of day.

-Research price trends in communities and neighborhoods.

-Consider resale prospects on home before you purchase.

Get your new home inspected before you buy.

-Hire a home inspection professional who is certified or licensed.

-Attend inspection, ask questions and take notes.

-Use inspection tour to verify home fits your needs.

-Submit inspection problems to seller for remedy.

Research home financing options before making a decision.

-Fixed rate. The interest rate you pay is fixed over the term of the loan.

-Adjustable rate. Interest rate changes at end of adjustment period.

-Seller financing. Mortgage contract between property seller and you.

-Avoid paying Private Mortgage Insurance. An insurance fee charged monthly to higher-risk borrowers less than twenty percent down payment.

Retain a real estate attorney and buyers real estate agent. -An attorney should review contracts before you sign them. -Your attorney is your legal advocate from contract to closing/escrow. -Locate a real estate agent who has a fiduciary responsibility to you. -Fiduciary. Part of the common law of agency, indicates a relationship based on trust.

Understand common contract terms.

-Contingencies. A provision in a contract requiring certain acts to be completed before the contract is binding.

-Approvals. Contract period where the sellers, their attorney, you or your attorney can approve or void the contract.

-Earnest money deposits. Money given to the seller at the time of contract is made as a sign of the buyer's good faith.

-Tax Pro-rations. Credit issued at closing from the seller to the buyer for unpaid property taxes.


Gather opinions of value from professionals on your home.

-Invite three real estate agents to submit a price range based on recorded recent sales.

-Consider hiring an independent real estate appraiser.

-Use similar properties based on age, condition and size.

-Properties sold in the last six months offer the best indicators of value.

Stage your home before buyers come through.

-Streamline clutter and place the focus on your home.

-Neutralize colors so buyers can visualize their belongings in your home.

-Visit new-construction model homes to gather ideas from the pros.

-Invite family, friends or real estate agents over for feedback.

Internet marketing provides wide exposure for your home.

-Have a virtual or digital tour of your home in multiple websites..

-Post interior and exterior photos of your home on the Internet.

-Hire a professional to write a description of your home.

-Utilize maps to showcase your location for out-of-town buyers.

Understand the elements of a contract to purchase.

-Require all offers to be in writing.

-A good contract has favorable terms in addition to price.

-Limit fixtures excluded from sale of home to a maximum of three.

-Keep negations non-emotional and amicable.

Recognize the variables that real estate agents can't overcome.

-Buyers bypass over-priced homes.

-Homebuyers discount homes in poor condition.

-Homes with poor locations have longer market times.

-Buyers are more relaxed and curious during showings when sellers are gone

Top Tips for Buying and Selling a Home


Looking for a home

-Use Internet for overview of properties, communities, and schools.

-Visit potential neighborhoods at different times of day.

-Research price trends in communities and neighborhoods.

-Consider resale prospects on home before you purchase.

Get your new home inspected before you buy.

-Hire a home inspection professional who is certified or licensed.

-Attend inspection, ask questions and take notes.

-Use inspection tour to verify home fits your needs.

-Submit inspection problems to seller for remedy.

Research home financing options before making a decision.

-Fixed rate. The interest rate you pay is fixed over the term of the loan.

-Adjustable rate. Interest rate changes at end of adjustment period.

-Seller financing. Mortgage contract between property seller and you.

-Avoid paying Private Mortgage Insurance. An insurance fee charged monthly to higher-risk borrowers less than twenty percent down payment.

Retain a real estate attorney and buyers real estate agent. -An attorney should review contracts before you sign them. -Your attorney is your legal advocate from contract to closing/escrow. -Locate a real estate agent who has a fiduciary responsibility to you. -Fiduciary. Part of the common law of agency, indicates a relationship based on trust.

Understand common contract terms.

-Contingencies. A provision in a contract requiring certain acts to be completed before the contract is binding.

-Approvals. Contract period where the sellers, their attorney, you or your attorney can approve or void the contract.

-Earnest money deposits. Money given to the seller at the time of contract is made as a sign of the buyer's good faith.

-Tax Pro-rations. Credit issued at closing from the seller to the buyer for unpaid property taxes.


Gather opinions of value from professionals on your home.

-Invite three real estate agents to submit a price range based on recorded recent sales.

-Consider hiring an independent real estate appraiser.

-Use similar properties based on age, condition and size.

-Properties sold in the last six months offer the best indicators of value.

Stage your home before buyers come through.

-Streamline clutter and place the focus on your home.

-Neutralize colors so buyers can visualize their belongings in your home.

-Visit new-construction model homes to gather ideas from the pros.

-Invite family, friends or real estate agents over for feedback.

Internet marketing provides wide exposure for your home.

-Have a virtual or digital tour of your home in multiple websites..

-Post interior and exterior photos of your home on the Internet.

-Hire a professional to write a description of your home.

-Utilize maps to showcase your location for out-of-town buyers.

Understand the elements of a contract to purchase.

-Require all offers to be in writing.

-A good contract has favorable terms in addition to price.

-Limit fixtures excluded from sale of home to a maximum of three.

-Keep negations non-emotional and amicable.

Recognize the variables that real estate agents can't overcome.

-Buyers bypass over-priced homes.

-Homebuyers discount homes in poor condition.

-Homes with poor locations have longer market times.

-Buyers are more relaxed and curious during showings when sellers are gone

Top Tips for Buying and Selling a Home


Looking for a home

-Use Internet for overview of properties, communities, and schools.

-Visit potential neighborhoods at different times of day.

-Research price trends in communities and neighborhoods.

-Consider resale prospects on home before you purchase.

Get your new home inspected before you buy.

-Hire a home inspection professional who is certified or licensed.

-Attend inspection, ask questions and take notes.

-Use inspection tour to verify home fits your needs.

-Submit inspection problems to seller for remedy.

Research home financing options before making a decision.

-Fixed rate. The interest rate you pay is fixed over the term of the loan.

-Adjustable rate. Interest rate changes at end of adjustment period.

-Seller financing. Mortgage contract between property seller and you.

-Avoid paying Private Mortgage Insurance. An insurance fee charged monthly to higher-risk borrowers less than twenty percent down payment.

Retain a real estate attorney and buyers real estate agent. -An attorney should review contracts before you sign them. -Your attorney is your legal advocate from contract to closing/escrow. -Locate a real estate agent who has a fiduciary responsibility to you. -Fiduciary. Part of the common law of agency, indicates a relationship based on trust.

Understand common contract terms.

-Contingencies. A provision in a contract requiring certain acts to be completed before the contract is binding.

-Approvals. Contract period where the sellers, their attorney, you or your attorney can approve or void the contract.

-Earnest money deposits. Money given to the seller at the time of contract is made as a sign of the buyer's good faith.

-Tax Pro-rations. Credit issued at closing from the seller to the buyer for unpaid property taxes.


Gather opinions of value from professionals on your home.

-Invite three real estate agents to submit a price range based on recorded recent sales.

-Consider hiring an independent real estate appraiser.

-Use similar properties based on age, condition and size.

-Properties sold in the last six months offer the best indicators of value.

Stage your home before buyers come through.

-Streamline clutter and place the focus on your home.

-Neutralize colors so buyers can visualize their belongings in your home.

-Visit new-construction model homes to gather ideas from the pros.

-Invite family, friends or real estate agents over for feedback.

Internet marketing provides wide exposure for your home.

-Have a virtual or digital tour of your home in multiple websites..

-Post interior and exterior photos of your home on the Internet.

-Hire a professional to write a description of your home.

-Utilize maps to showcase your location for out-of-town buyers.

Understand the elements of a contract to purchase.

-Require all offers to be in writing.

-A good contract has favorable terms in addition to price.

-Limit fixtures excluded from sale of home to a maximum of three.

-Keep negations non-emotional and amicable.

Recognize the variables that real estate agents can't overcome.

-Buyers bypass over-priced homes.

-Homebuyers discount homes in poor condition.

-Homes with poor locations have longer market times.

-Buyers are more relaxed and curious during showings when sellers are gone

Top Tips for Buying and Selling a Home


Looking for a home

-Use Internet for overview of properties, communities, and schools.

-Visit potential neighborhoods at different times of day.

-Research price trends in communities and neighborhoods.

-Consider resale prospects on home before you purchase.

Get your new home inspected before you buy.

-Hire a home inspection professional who is certified or licensed.

-Attend inspection, ask questions and take notes.

-Use inspection tour to verify home fits your needs.

-Submit inspection problems to seller for remedy.

Research home financing options before making a decision.

-Fixed rate. The interest rate you pay is fixed over the term of the loan.

-Adjustable rate. Interest rate changes at end of adjustment period.

-Seller financing. Mortgage contract between property seller and you.

-Avoid paying Private Mortgage Insurance. An insurance fee charged monthly to higher-risk borrowers less than twenty percent down payment.

Retain a real estate attorney and buyers real estate agent. -An attorney should review contracts before you sign them. -Your attorney is your legal advocate from contract to closing/escrow. -Locate a real estate agent who has a fiduciary responsibility to you. -Fiduciary. Part of the common law of agency, indicates a relationship based on trust.

Understand common contract terms.

-Contingencies. A provision in a contract requiring certain acts to be completed before the contract is binding.

-Approvals. Contract period where the sellers, their attorney, you or your attorney can approve or void the contract.

-Earnest money deposits. Money given to the seller at the time of contract is made as a sign of the buyer's good faith.

-Tax Pro-rations. Credit issued at closing from the seller to the buyer for unpaid property taxes.


Gather opinions of value from professionals on your home.

-Invite three real estate agents to submit a price range based on recorded recent sales.

-Consider hiring an independent real estate appraiser.

-Use similar properties based on age, condition and size.

-Properties sold in the last six months offer the best indicators of value.

Stage your home before buyers come through.

-Streamline clutter and place the focus on your home.

-Neutralize colors so buyers can visualize their belongings in your home.

-Visit new-construction model homes to gather ideas from the pros.

-Invite family, friends or real estate agents over for feedback.

Internet marketing provides wide exposure for your home.

-Have a virtual or digital tour of your home in multiple websites..

-Post interior and exterior photos of your home on the Internet.

-Hire a professional to write a description of your home.

-Utilize maps to showcase your location for out-of-town buyers.

Understand the elements of a contract to purchase.

-Require all offers to be in writing.

-A good contract has favorable terms in addition to price.

-Limit fixtures excluded from sale of home to a maximum of three.

-Keep negations non-emotional and amicable.

Recognize the variables that real estate agents can't overcome.

-Buyers bypass over-priced homes.

-Homebuyers discount homes in poor condition.

-Homes with poor locations have longer market times.

-Buyers are more relaxed and curious during showings when sellers are gone

Top Tips for Buying and Selling a Home


Looking for a home

-Use Internet for overview of properties, communities, and schools.

-Visit potential neighborhoods at different times of day.

-Research price trends in communities and neighborhoods.

-Consider resale prospects on home before you purchase.

Get your new home inspected before you buy.

-Hire a home inspection professional who is certified or licensed.

-Attend inspection, ask questions and take notes.

-Use inspection tour to verify home fits your needs.

-Submit inspection problems to seller for remedy.

Research home financing options before making a decision.

-Fixed rate. The interest rate you pay is fixed over the term of the loan.

-Adjustable rate. Interest rate changes at end of adjustment period.

-Seller financing. Mortgage contract between property seller and you.

-Avoid paying Private Mortgage Insurance. An insurance fee charged monthly to higher-risk borrowers less than twenty percent down payment.

Retain a real estate attorney and buyers real estate agent. -An attorney should review contracts before you sign them. -Your attorney is your legal advocate from contract to closing/escrow. -Locate a real estate agent who has a fiduciary responsibility to you. -Fiduciary. Part of the common law of agency, indicates a relationship based on trust.

Understand common contract terms.

-Contingencies. A provision in a contract requiring certain acts to be completed before the contract is binding.

-Approvals. Contract period where the sellers, their attorney, you or your attorney can approve or void the contract.

-Earnest money deposits. Money given to the seller at the time of contract is made as a sign of the buyer's good faith.

-Tax Pro-rations. Credit issued at closing from the seller to the buyer for unpaid property taxes.


Gather opinions of value from professionals on your home.

-Invite three real estate agents to submit a price range based on recorded recent sales.

-Consider hiring an independent real estate appraiser.

-Use similar properties based on age, condition and size.

-Properties sold in the last six months offer the best indicators of value.

Stage your home before buyers come through.

-Streamline clutter and place the focus on your home.

-Neutralize colors so buyers can visualize their belongings in your home.

-Visit new-construction model homes to gather ideas from the pros.

-Invite family, friends or real estate agents over for feedback.

Internet marketing provides wide exposure for your home.

-Have a virtual or digital tour of your home in multiple websites..

-Post interior and exterior photos of your home on the Internet.

-Hire a professional to write a description of your home.

-Utilize maps to showcase your location for out-of-town buyers.

Understand the elements of a contract to purchase.

-Require all offers to be in writing.

-A good contract has favorable terms in addition to price.

-Limit fixtures excluded from sale of home to a maximum of three.

-Keep negations non-emotional and amicable.

Recognize the variables that real estate agents can't overcome.

-Buyers bypass over-priced homes.

-Homebuyers discount homes in poor condition.

-Homes with poor locations have longer market times.

-Buyers are more relaxed and curious during showings when sellers are gone

Top Tips for Buying and Selling a Home


Looking for a home

-Use Internet for overview of properties, communities, and schools.

-Visit potential neighborhoods at different times of day.

-Research price trends in communities and neighborhoods.

-Consider resale prospects on home before you purchase.

Get your new home inspected before you buy.

-Hire a home inspection professional who is certified or licensed.

-Attend inspection, ask questions and take notes.

-Use inspection tour to verify home fits your needs.

-Submit inspection problems to seller for remedy.

Research home financing options before making a decision.

-Fixed rate. The interest rate you pay is fixed over the term of the loan.

-Adjustable rate. Interest rate changes at end of adjustment period.

-Seller financing. Mortgage contract between property seller and you.

-Avoid paying Private Mortgage Insurance. An insurance fee charged monthly to higher-risk borrowers less than twenty percent down payment.

Retain a real estate attorney and buyers real estate agent. -An attorney should review contracts before you sign them. -Your attorney is your legal advocate from contract to closing/escrow. -Locate a real estate agent who has a fiduciary responsibility to you. -Fiduciary. Part of the common law of agency, indicates a relationship based on trust.

Understand common contract terms.

-Contingencies. A provision in a contract requiring certain acts to be completed before the contract is binding.

-Approvals. Contract period where the sellers, their attorney, you or your attorney can approve or void the contract.

-Earnest money deposits. Money given to the seller at the time of contract is made as a sign of the buyer's good faith.

-Tax Pro-rations. Credit issued at closing from the seller to the buyer for unpaid property taxes.


Gather opinions of value from professionals on your home.

-Invite three real estate agents to submit a price range based on recorded recent sales.

-Consider hiring an independent real estate appraiser.

-Use similar properties based on age, condition and size.

-Properties sold in the last six months offer the best indicators of value.

Stage your home before buyers come through.

-Streamline clutter and place the focus on your home.

-Neutralize colors so buyers can visualize their belongings in your home.

-Visit new-construction model homes to gather ideas from the pros.

-Invite family, friends or real estate agents over for feedback.

Internet marketing provides wide exposure for your home.

-Have a virtual or digital tour of your home in multiple websites..

-Post interior and exterior photos of your home on the Internet.

-Hire a professional to write a description of your home.

-Utilize maps to showcase your location for out-of-town buyers.

Understand the elements of a contract to purchase.

-Require all offers to be in writing.

-A good contract has favorable terms in addition to price.

-Limit fixtures excluded from sale of home to a maximum of three.

-Keep negations non-emotional and amicable.

Recognize the variables that real estate agents can't overcome.

-Buyers bypass over-priced homes.

-Homebuyers discount homes in poor condition.

-Homes with poor locations have longer market times.

-Buyers are more relaxed and curious during showings when sellers are gone

Top Tips for Buying and Selling a Home


Looking for a home

-Use Internet for overview of properties, communities, and schools.

-Visit potential neighborhoods at different times of day.

-Research price trends in communities and neighborhoods.

-Consider resale prospects on home before you purchase.

Get your new home inspected before you buy.

-Hire a home inspection professional who is certified or licensed.

-Attend inspection, ask questions and take notes.

-Use inspection tour to verify home fits your needs.

-Submit inspection problems to seller for remedy.

Research home financing options before making a decision.

-Fixed rate. The interest rate you pay is fixed over the term of the loan.

-Adjustable rate. Interest rate changes at end of adjustment period.

-Seller financing. Mortgage contract between property seller and you.

-Avoid paying Private Mortgage Insurance. An insurance fee charged monthly to higher-risk borrowers less than twenty percent down payment.

Retain a real estate attorney and buyers real estate agent. -An attorney should review contracts before you sign them. -Your attorney is your legal advocate from contract to closing/escrow. -Locate a real estate agent who has a fiduciary responsibility to you. -Fiduciary. Part of the common law of agency, indicates a relationship based on trust.

Understand common contract terms.

-Contingencies. A provision in a contract requiring certain acts to be completed before the contract is binding.

-Approvals. Contract period where the sellers, their attorney, you or your attorney can approve or void the contract.

-Earnest money deposits. Money given to the seller at the time of contract is made as a sign of the buyer's good faith.

-Tax Pro-rations. Credit issued at closing from the seller to the buyer for unpaid property taxes.


Gather opinions of value from professionals on your home.

-Invite three real estate agents to submit a price range based on recorded recent sales.

-Consider hiring an independent real estate appraiser.

-Use similar properties based on age, condition and size.

-Properties sold in the last six months offer the best indicators of value.

Stage your home before buyers come through.

-Streamline clutter and place the focus on your home.

-Neutralize colors so buyers can visualize their belongings in your home.

-Visit new-construction model homes to gather ideas from the pros.

-Invite family, friends or real estate agents over for feedback.

Internet marketing provides wide exposure for your home.

-Have a virtual or digital tour of your home in multiple websites..

-Post interior and exterior photos of your home on the Internet.

-Hire a professional to write a description of your home.

-Utilize maps to showcase your location for out-of-town buyers.

Understand the elements of a contract to purchase.

-Require all offers to be in writing.

-A good contract has favorable terms in addition to price.

-Limit fixtures excluded from sale of home to a maximum of three.

-Keep negations non-emotional and amicable.

Recognize the variables that real estate agents can't overcome.

-Buyers bypass over-priced homes.

-Homebuyers discount homes in poor condition.

-Homes with poor locations have longer market times.

-Buyers are more relaxed and curious during showings when sellers are gone

Top Tips for Buying and Selling a Home


Looking for a home

-Use Internet for overview of properties, communities, and schools.

-Visit potential neighborhoods at different times of day.

-Research price trends in communities and neighborhoods.

-Consider resale prospects on home before you purchase.

Get your new home inspected before you buy.

-Hire a home inspection professional who is certified or licensed.

-Attend inspection, ask questions and take notes.

-Use inspection tour to verify home fits your needs.

-Submit inspection problems to seller for remedy.

Research home financing options before making a decision.

-Fixed rate. The interest rate you pay is fixed over the term of the loan.

-Adjustable rate. Interest rate changes at end of adjustment period.

-Seller financing. Mortgage contract between property seller and you.

-Avoid paying Private Mortgage Insurance. An insurance fee charged monthly to higher-risk borrowers less than twenty percent down payment.

Retain a real estate attorney and buyers real estate agent. -An attorney should review contracts before you sign them. -Your attorney is your legal advocate from contract to closing/escrow. -Locate a real estate agent who has a fiduciary responsibility to you. -Fiduciary. Part of the common law of agency, indicates a relationship based on trust.

Understand common contract terms.

-Contingencies. A provision in a contract requiring certain acts to be completed before the contract is binding.

-Approvals. Contract period where the sellers, their attorney, you or your attorney can approve or void the contract.

-Earnest money deposits. Money given to the seller at the time of contract is made as a sign of the buyer's good faith.

-Tax Pro-rations. Credit issued at closing from the seller to the buyer for unpaid property taxes.


Gather opinions of value from professionals on your home.

-Invite three real estate agents to submit a price range based on recorded recent sales.

-Consider hiring an independent real estate appraiser.

-Use similar properties based on age, condition and size.

-Properties sold in the last six months offer the best indicators of value.

Stage your home before buyers come through.

-Streamline clutter and place the focus on your home.

-Neutralize colors so buyers can visualize their belongings in your home.

-Visit new-construction model homes to gather ideas from the pros.

-Invite family, friends or real estate agents over for feedback.

Internet marketing provides wide exposure for your home.

-Have a virtual or digital tour of your home in multiple websites..

-Post interior and exterior photos of your home on the Internet.

-Hire a professional to write a description of your home.

-Utilize maps to showcase your location for out-of-town buyers.

Understand the elements of a contract to purchase.

-Require all offers to be in writing.

-A good contract has favorable terms in addition to price.

-Limit fixtures excluded from sale of home to a maximum of three.

-Keep negations non-emotional and amicable.

Recognize the variables that real estate agents can't overcome.

-Buyers bypass over-priced homes.

-Homebuyers discount homes in poor condition.

-Homes with poor locations have longer market times.

-Buyers are more relaxed and curious during showings when sellers are gone

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